Woodroffe rocked this week with the reverberating throb of 15 didgeridoos played in unison during a workshop given by Chris Holland to Woodroffe’s trumpet and horn players, and then an hour long concert for year 7. Chris taught the group circular breathing techniques which somehow involved lots of water, choking, spluttering and spitting. The group put together a narrative piece which they then performed with Chris to year 7.
His concert covered everything anyone ever wanted to know about didgeridoos and the amazing versatility of the sounds that they can produce. The students are now being offered the opportunity to take part in further workshops run by Chris and it is hoped that students who at present don’t play an instrument may be attracted to this alternative sound.
Chris Holland runs an organisation called ‘Wholeland’, the advertising strap line of which is which is ‘learn to play and play to learn’. As part of Woodroffe’s Specialist Arts status this philosophy fits its ethos of trying to encourage as wide a range of student participation across the arts as is possible. Dot Wood Director of Arts
To see the pictures, and see the video please follow this link: